Trash and Recycling:
Eel River Recology picks up both every Wednesday. Find out what counts as trash or recycling here.
Electronic Waste (E-waste) and Universal Waste:
E-waste includes batteries, fluorescent bulbs, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and hand-held electronics.
Eel River Recology accepts e-waste for free at its Fortuna facility. Please do not bring in large appliances, such as fridges that have freon, or vacuums. Alternatively, you may drop off your e-waste at the ENR Department at 120 Bowie Road, behind the grey modular building. Please leave it in front of the middle shipping crate. Please call Sam at 707-733-1900 Ext. 1165 or Jim Bowie at Ext. 1427 if you have any questions or need pick-up assistance.
Household Hazardous Waste:
To dispose of old cleaning supplies, antifreeze, paint, used oil, diabetic needles, etc., you must bring your waste to Humboldt Waste Management Authority. All items must be stored in appropriate containers (all needles in sharps containers, all paint/oil in sealed containers with labels, etc.). HWMA accepts up to 15 gallons of waste for free at a time per residence. HWMA also provides free sharps containers and free oil change containers while supplies last. Please call 707-441-2005 for questions or to make an appointment.